Post by PHOE on Oct 26, 2011 14:40:34 GMT -5
This is a semi-archived thread with a lot of old reposts. They were saved from a different place, while being authored by the same members as are going to be posting here.
john said:
Dear Lily,it was so nice getting to know you. You brought a lot of happiness and fresh air to our place, and when we knew you would visit, Remus could even make me help cleaning the house, which is still pretty neat right now, I think, even though I am on my own. So thank you for being a positive and female impulse, we definitely needed it.
I hope school is going well for you. I remember from my schooltime that I enjoyed year seven, so I wish the same to you. However, I was never as studious and interested in classes as you seem to be, so I bet you will easily walk through all of your exams. (I failed one or two NEWTs, I think, but other people cared way more about my grades than I; and look, I am still alive, too, so don't worry about the exams!)
If you feel like it, greet my son, but only if he behaves (meaning that I hope he doesn't study all the time).
Best Regards, John
ashers said:
Dear John,I was happy to come, it was a pleasure to meet you, and it’s always nice to see Remus. Though you both didn’t need to clean up for me, goodness knows I’m not a clean person (I call it organised chaos…others call it a pig sty!), it drives my sister up the wall, though my mum doesn’t mind that much as long as it’s clean before I go to school and it doesn’t come out of my room. But I’m glad that I brought happiness!
School is going well so far, lots of work, but I was expecting it. So far the boys aren’t getting into too much trouble, but there’s still the rest of the year. I’m hoping to get good results though, I hope I just don’t get too overwhelmed (though knowing me it’s very likely).
I’ll tell him you said hi, though I wouldn't ask me to tell him to stop studying, I probably study more than he does.
Lots of love
john said:
Dear Lily,well, that sounds like you and I have something in common! It seems so much work to keep an order to things, doesn't it? There are spells for it, and my wife knew them all, but I know none and am certainly not going to go through the effort of looking them up, are you? I would not even know where to look.
Lots of work sounds like less fun. You should be having some fun, Lily! You seemed to be such a funny person. Maybe it was the holiday effect, but I like to believe that you are just genuinely fun to be around. And don't worry about the boys, I don't mind their troublemaking. I wish I was young again and break some school rules myself, sometimes!
Well, then I will just tell him myself to stop! But thank you!
P.S. I have a new litter of kittens since this morning, I wish I had had one when you were here. They are so funny, they always bump into everything.
ashers said:
Dear John,I always thought as long as you know where something is, it doesn’t matter where it is. Though I don’t believe that everyone thinks I’m right, I try to keep my bed tidy in the dorm. I doubt that the girls in my dorm would be happy if all my mess was all over! And as for the spells…well coming from a muggle family, and not being allowed to use magic outside of school until recently, I’ve never had a reason to learn them. Could be an interesting after school project though!
I enjoy a lot of work, I’m the odd person in the world who enjoys to work over other things people find fun. But don’t worry, the Gryffindor common room is well known for their amazing parties every other weekend, so I’m not completely deprived. And I wouldn’t worry about them if their troublemaking didn’t often involve bringing me into it to stop them! Though I must admit I think I’ve gone soft on them, it’s not nearly as annoying as it used to be.
I doubt he’d listen to anyone when it comes to stopping working! I’m pretty sure even if a teacher asked us to we wouldn’t!
And I’d love to see a photo or something of the kittens, kittens are so cute!
john said:
Dear Lily,Well, maybe they would not. Girls are usually tidy, I think. But I might be wrong. It is so refreshing to know you are not, though. And if that sounds interesting to you, I am taking back that you sound like a fun person (nah just kidding!).
You worry me, Lily, you sound like Remus. Keep away from him, haha, for him it is too late but safe yourself as long as you can! Don't go to waste in the boring world of studies and prefect or headgirl duty!
I hope you are soft on them, so that they don't get too much detention. Although they probably deserve it. (Wow, strict father talk. Rare!)
So you are like the pair of most studious students in the school, huh? I should probably be proud. I am proud!
I put one in the envelope. I named one Lis! It's French for Lily.
ashers said:
Dear John,I doubt that they’d be happy with me, so I force myself to be as tidy as possible. And it only sounds interesting because it’s something I don’t know about! Plus it would give me more time in the long run to do other things. That has to be good right? Get back at the boys? You’ll have to tell me how to get the band of pranksters back once in a while, I’m rubbish at coming up with things like that!
Ahh I can’t promise you that John, I love working hard, I always feel happy to do it. Besides, if I work hard now I could probably help others later on when I get a job, and that’s something I’d love to do! But you’re probably right, I promise that I’ll at least try to take it easy once in a while. And I don’t need to give them too much detention, they can do it themselves.
It’s a wonder we’re in Gryffindor and not in Ravenclaw the way we work! I’m surprised they haven’t transferred us into that house actually.
They’re adorable, and thank you for naming one after me! Next time I’m over I’ll have to see them.
john said:
Dear Lily,That sounds very honorable, that you sacrifice the joy of chaos for the sake of your dormmates. And I would need to know what you have to get back on them for, then I will gladly try to help.
That's what I wanted to hear! Have some fun doing something fun, then!
Well, I think you match Gryffindor very well, both of you, because you are persons who stick with their friends through everything! I don't know so many (ex-)Ravenclaws, but Remus' mother was one, and although she was extremely smart she would get so worried and scared at times, I had to do so much convincing work even about stuff that you and I would not even think about as dangerous. Not complaining, of course, but yes, that is the difference, maybe! (Gryffindor for ever, by the way, I was there, too!)
They are really nice, yeah. I am happy that you like Kneazles, because they are kind of special.
All the best,
ashers said:
Dear John,Yeah, though the chaos comes back when I’m doing homework, so I have my brief moments of chaos through the day whish is fun. And as for the getting them back, can we settle for every prank they’ve pulled on me for the past six years?
I shall have fun doing something fun.
I guess my Gryffindor traits must stick out more than my bookwormish tendencies, though I’m not sure how. Oh well, at least I’m not a Slytherin! That wouldn’t be much fun. And I thought you’d be a Gryffindor, you sound like the type. I bet you got up to about as much trouble as the boys do now.
They’re very interesting, and it’s not often you get to meet someone who breeds them for a living! So it’s always interesting to learn new things you know?
This is probably why people think I’m a geek, I always go on about learning new things…well except flying, I don’t think I could learn that, I’ll leave that to the people who enjoy flying on brooms I think.
john said:
Dear Lily,Are they really so troublesome? Sounds like they have been busy bothering you more than doing something for school.
Yes, you are a Gryffindor at her best! And no, Slytherin, you would have to be rich and a pureblood and not care about anybody else, I guess.
Feel free to visit them anytime if you're interested in them. Just make sure to bring you leather skin gloves.
Really? Sounds familiar. I love flying, though. I tried to teach Remus when he was, well, too small for it in the retrospective, and he fell on his head. He still thinks the scar on his eyebrow is from a full moon. (I trust you to keep this secret, he might want to kick my a.. rear!).
ashers said:
Dear John,No not all of them. Sirius and James are the worst, but I don’t think they’re awful or anything. But some people do call them ‘the Idiot Group’ which I think tells you all! Though to be honest, only Peter isn’t great when it comes to his classes, the others aren’t half bad and Remus is one of the top, but I think we know what they mean.
Yeah, I used to think that Slytherins weren’t too bad, well apart from the ones who tried to hex me half the time, but then I guess they are, which isn’t one of the most reassuring things.
I’ll try and visit them in the Christmas holidays or something, I’m sure I can get away from home for a day or something.
Ah I tried to fly in the first year and couldn’t get off the ground, when I finally did get off the ground I slid off the broom and almost broke my nose. And I won’t tell him, though I will look for the scar!
john said:
Dear Lily,The idiot group! That's epic. I really like all of the boys, they seem to be such a bunch of fun. But it would be nice to get one at them, too.
I think a lot of people I am related to were in Slytherin. Do not approve, really.
Christmas, yes, that would be great. You should witness Christmas with the Lupin household. We have almost no presents but good firewhiskey, and that leads to a lot of fun, usually.
Oh no, poor Lily. I hope you have other means of transportations. And you can't miss the scar, it's right across his eyebrow, right one I think. Maybe left. Weird how I can't remember which side. Well!
Best wishes,
ashers said:
Dear John,It’s rather amusing to watch them, especially when they’re in class and making fools of themselves, I’m sure McGonagall’s head will blow up one day because of them. Of course, don’t tell them that I find them amusing, they’d never stop teasing me about it.I just don’t like what they stand for mostly, I’m sure some of them would have very interesting stories to tell if they’d just stop being so prejudice you know?
Wow, I can imagine there’s a lot of singing and laughter at Christmas in your house! My dad always drinks far too much on Christmas and starts singing along to all the muggle Christmas songs, his favourite the past few years is ‘I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday’ which is one of the most annoying songs to hear from morning til night all day! But it’s always fun.I’m good with apparating and floo powder, so it’s not a total loss, I don’t mind brooms as long as I’m not on one. Ah I think I know which one you’re talking about, I don’t think he’d be amused if he found out it wasn’t from a full moon!
john said:
Dear Lily,I would like to see that happening. I like Minerva, she's a bunch of fun when she has had a shot or two. Well, sometimes.
Well, don't be too sure about that. I grew up among purebloods, it is so boring. You have to watch your manners, and chaos is not allowed, either.
I really regret not knowing this song, it sounds amazing. We like both the Muggle songs and the Wizard ones, but Remus and I don't really sing. Well, not when we are sober. But yes, you are definitely invited! I hope you like noodles? Because we have pasta every Christmas. Just to spite everyone else, as we like to say. (In reality we can't cook anything else).
Well apparating is cool huh? I definitely overused it when I was your age, but it's just so much fun. And yeah he wouldn't, I think he doesn't like it.
Christmas-spirited greetings,
ashers said:
Dear John,You’ll have to tell me some of the stories! I’d love to hear about McGonagall drunk! I really can’t imagine her drunk at all really! I’m laughing just at the thought of McGonagall drunk walking!
Ahh but I’m from a muggle family, the only interesting conversations I can have is how my dad once got stuck in the airport when he was taking a flight to Ireland for a Stag do!
Ironically the band is called Wizzard, but it’s rather annoying after a while. I’d love to see Remus sing, he definitely doesn’t seem like the type. Well if you can’t cook then why not come over ours? This year Petunia is going to Vernon’s family’s so we’ll have way too much food, you’re very welcome to come and have a muggle Christmas, I’m sure my dad would even teach you a ton of muggle Christmas songs!
I would definitely have overused it but unfortunately muggle area meant I couldn’t do magic there and obviously you can’t in Hogwarts, which is a shame.
john said:
Dear Lily,I do not think that is a good idea! It would be fun to tell you, but I think I would have her wrath on me.Stuck in the airport? Is an airport a really small place then? Well it sounds really interesting! Better than whose house elf is the worst.
Well, maybe you'll be lucky. When he gets really funny, well, extremely funny, he goes for the songs which have raspy voices to fit his, so usually wicked love songs. Merlin I am laughing so hard when I even think about it, but I have a feeling that I shouldn't give so much away here. He'll hex me.
Well, as much as I would like to take that invitation, we'll have to ask Remus, too! (He will probably find 200 reasons because he's too shy to be with your parents.)
Well, get your share when you visit Hogsmeade, I suggest? Actually, going to Hogsmeade might be a little dangerous these times.
But still awsome!
ashers said:
Dear John,Oh I wouldn’t tell her! Besides I’m one of her best students, it’s not like I’d set it off as a rumour through the school.
Oh no, an airport is where you wait for airplanes, a muggle way to fly, but my dad got stuck waiting in one overnight because they got his flight wrong.
Wow…you have to tell me some of the titles of the songs, I’ll tease him about it. I can’t imagine Remus singing in a raspy voice. I’ll make sure he doesn’t hex you I swear! It’s either that or I’ll have to try and get him drunk to get him to sing for me!
I’ll make sure Remus agrees, I’ll bother him until he says yes! Besides I’ll say my parents would be insulted if he didn’t come over.
Hogsmeade is a good idea actually, I know I do a lot of apparating when I wanted to be in Diagon Alley in the summer. Much easier than getting all the way down to London by muggle transport (unlike the Hogwarts Express, muggle trains are extremely unreliable!)
john said:
Dear Lily,I never doubted you are one of the best, and now you even admitted it. Victory for this old nutter!
Ah yes, I think I sometimes see them overhead. I really wonder how they make those huge things fly without magic, do you know, by any chance?
Well, he does a pretty nice Rod Stewart, whom you as a muggleborn probably even know. Tonight's the night, and all. (I will regret this). Besides, you should still get him drunk! He would have so much fun!
You try that then, glad to pass the job on.Well I never tried Muggle transport. No reason to! It seems to be a bother and also pretty expensive, or is it not?
ashers said:
Dear John,So was the McGonagall getting drunk was a lie to get me to admit I was a brainbox? You’re a sly man John Lupin.
I was told the simple way of it when I was in muggle school, but that was years ago and I can’t actually remember, if I remember I’ll write to you and tell you.
I would never have suspected Remus to sing Rod Stewart! I swear I won’t let him know you told me! But thank you it’ll be a good chuckle. And I’ll try but I’m sure he’d find something suspicious about me trying to get him to drink! I’ll try to bribe Peter or one of his other friends to do it!
It’s not very good, much easier to apparate. A lot of the transport gets stuck or stops working or is too slow. There’s been a few buses that have broken down on us where I live.
john said:
Dear Lily,Oh, yes, let's say that! Good idea.
Well yes, no worries, I don't have to know how submarines work to live. I bet it is so complicated I would not understand, anyways.
Okay. If he fires hexes at me next time he's home, I will blame you, Lily! Peter? Maybe rather Sirius or James, I heard those are the party animals. Might be wrong!
Broken down on you?! Did you get hurt?
Have you ever spliced yourself when you apparated? Because I did.
Best regards,
ashers said:
Dear John,I might have to ask her, though I may get a detention so maybe not. Gosh that would be a reason to get a detention wouldn’t it?
I think all muggle technology is complicated, even to muggles. I’m pretty sure you have to be an expert to understand how they work. I know how to drive a muggle car though, which is fun.
That’s fine, if he tries anything, blame me and tell him to hex me instead! Yeah, but Peter is easier to manipulate than James or Sirius, I don’t really talk to Sirius and I couldn’t say it to James or he’d think he was rubbing off on me with him being Head Boy! We can’t have that!
Oh no, the engine was rubbish apparently, we just had to get off the bus and wait for another one while they took that one away. It was a very old bus. I splinched myself a few times, nothing serious bar the first couple times, and I only did that because I wasn’t concentrating properly. Professor Slughorn had given us homework I’d been worrying about.
john said:
Dear Lily,If you knew she would tell you if only you would dare to ask, it would definitely be worth it, but I doubt it. She is nice, but strict.
Cars, well, it would be nice to know how to drive one, I guess, but I would probably run a lot of things over with one. Maybe you can take me once?
Wow, well, you know them a lot better than I do, so you will know just what to do. I have faith in you. You seem to have studied them a lot, though.
It's so painful though. I didn't enjoy that at all.
You worry about homework while apparating, and you're seventeen years old? Lily.
Worried! greetings,
ashers said:
Dear John,She’s definitely nice but strict, she’s one of my favourite teachers. Though having said that I like most of my teachers so it’s probably a silly thing to say really. But you know what I mean.
Sure! Next time I see you I’ll take you for a ride in my dad’s car. I’m sure you’ll like it. It’s good enough really. It’s not like a racing car or anything though, I wouldn’t dare do anything like that I’d just scream through it!
No it wasn’t very comfortable. And yes I was thinking about homework. I like to get it done and I hadn’t that day!
john said:
Dear Lily,I think so, I know what you mean. Well I recall liking Dumbledore as a teacher, but most of my old teachers are retired, you would not know them. Which is probably not even a shame.
You will not need a racing car to make me scream. I can scream like a girl. And maybe you can do it with your car, haha.
Okay, Lily, okay. I won't bring it up again, I promise.
So what happened because you were thinking about homework?
ashers said:
Dear John,I feel like most of my teachers will continue on to teach the generation after the next the way they teach now. I mean I don’t even want to think about how long Dumbledore’s been teaching. Brilliant person, but I have to wonder how long it’s been since he cut his beard. Wonder if he made a pact with a friend never to cut it from a certain age or something.
I wouldn’t have pegged you as a screamer to be honest, I would have thought you’d be all calm and collected. But I won’t go too fast I swear.
Bring what up? You said I studied them, I was just explaining that this wasn’t true.
I left my foot behind. I wasn’t concentrating enough and I tried to get to the correct place, the thought of the homework came into my head (which incidentally was an essay on the use of frog’s feet in potions), and then suddenly I was falling on the ground with a foot left behind.
What’s your worst splinch been?
john said:
Dear Lily,Well, I think the beard is quite nice. Gives him a really wise air. But you know, my family owes him everything, so I really can't say that anything about him seems out of place to me.
Well, maybe because you know Remus so well. He would be the calm and collected kind, but he got that from his mother, not me. I am the excited kind.
Okay, then.So you were trying to apparate? I lost a buttok in a splinch. I got it back though.
ashers said:
Dear John,Oh no the beard is amazing, I’m not saying bad things about the beard, I just would love to know why he decided to continue to grow it until he could tuck it in his belt, you know?
Ahh maybe, probably that’s what it is. But still you seemed very cool and stuff when I was over.
Okay.It was before I passed my test, in lessons.
How in the world did you manage to lose a buttock? That seems impossible…but I bet it was quite a hilarious sight.
john said:
Dear Lily,That is something nobody can tell, I guess. It is one of the secrets of the universe we will probably never solve.
Or maybe he simply didn't have time to cut it anymore.
Oh, thank you! I haven't heard that one in a while. I see. I'm sorry, I kind of lost track of this straw of the conversation.
It is very much possible! We were a bunch of people, Dedalus Diggle, Alastor Moody and a couple more I think, and we were on somebody's heels so we had to hurry. And that's when my buttock stayed behind. Later everybody just laughed about it (well except for Mad-Eye).
Best regards,
ashers said:
Dear John,I somehow don’t think Dumbledore wouldn’t have time. I wonder what he’d say if someone asked him.
I don’t understand why, it’s the truth! You are a very cool person.Don’t worry about it.
Imagine if a muggle had found a lone buttock randomly in the street! They’d probably have had a heart attack. And no I can’t see Moody being one to find it funny, though it definitely sounds funny!
john said:
Dear Lily,He would probably have a very funny and very false explanation for it which would make it very clear that he won't really tell anybody.
You're flattering me! Well maybe because I don't go out much. Haha, hilarious. It was kind of disgusting though. Alastor is just so strict with everybody, but I guess most of us need that from time to time. I certainly do!
ashers said:
Dear John,Yeah, something about how he decided not to cut it because he was told by a centaur that it was lucky to keep a long beard to make sure that Hogwarts wouldn’t close or get attacked or something like that.
I’m just being truthful, it’s always interesting when you’re around. It’s definitely something fun to do.
I bet it would be a bit disgusting! And I definitely can believe that Moody would be strict, he looks rather intimidating whenever I’ve seen him. I’m glad I don’t have to go near him just yet! But still, he’s definitely the best at what he does.
john said:
Dear Lily,That sounds about reasonable to me. Centaurs are such fascinating creatures, I once worked with some. Well I worked and they refused to really get in contact with the department, but it was great to travel to their forests and all (they didn't think it was all that great).
Well thank you!Ah yes, well, losing an eye didn't help in looking less menacing. But he's the best, just as you said. Knows all about curses and what's going on in people's heads, and he's just so, well, suspicious about everything. But I still like working with him, not sure if it is mutual but I get some laughs.
ashers said:
Dear John,I haven’t really studied them much, I’ve seen them in the forest once and read about them, but I don’t dare to go and actually try to talk to them…I’ve heard what they’re like and I don’t want to step on there toes…well…so to speak.
Yeah, I guess there’s a level of paranoia that must go with the job, and the better you are the more paranoid you get. I’ve always wondered if Moody was paranoid, or just being smart. I mean he’s on the point of crazy when it comes to his work, but then again he has made some enemies in his time.
I think I’d want to work for him when I finish school, you know, help with the war and stuff. I think he’d be the best person to learn under, I mean, he’s literally the best out there so I think I’d learn a lot from him and stuff.
john said:
Dear Lily,Well, no, one should not be around them too much, agreed. They have different personalities of course, various ones, but almost all of them have a sence of pride which no human can live up to. Pride is dangerous.
Half the cells of Azkaban are filled because of him, so I understand very well why he acts up like this. And I bet he saved everybody's skin at least once yet.
A brilliant idea! I never worked with him on real work terms, only for Dumbledore, but he must be a boss you learn the most from.
Best regards,
ashers said:
Dear John,Yeah I think I get the pride. Though you’d think if you respected their pride and such it wouldn’t be too bad. Then again, how many people nowadays actually respect them. People are stupid when it comes to things like that, everything and everyone should be respected.
Yeah, that’s why I think it would always be better to be on the good side of him, rather than the bad side. He definitely would be the perfect teacher though. Well…besides the paranoid part, but still.
That’s what I’m thinking. I mean, best way to become an auror, he definitely knows what he’s talking about and stuff. Though I sometimes wonder if people would think I was crazy for deciding I wanted to be an auror.
john said:
Dear Lily,the Centaurs, just as the Goblins, Merpeople and the Werewolves, are very well aware of the ignorant standpoint the ministry is still holding up. The government is scared to lose popularity among wizards and witches - voting folk - if they acknowledge other race's rights, of course. But one day, one or more of the suppressed races will turn back on human kind, and I don't want to see the day; I have made my personal experience with this and it has cost our family dearly.
I would not call you crazy, it is a very ambitious goal, but honorable, too. Of course there are people like me who join the fight just for the hell of it, but there is always a dire need of real, trained fighters these days. We need Aurors to lead the rest of the bunch.
ashers said:
Dear John,It’s stupid, if the ministry gave these creatures some form of freedom, some form of kindness, then we wouldn’t have to worry about them going to the side of You-Know-Who. The more creatures that we push away that could help us, the more we are risking ourselves.
To be honest, at this point in the war I think we need anyone who can help. Wouldn’t matter if it were trained fighters, untrained fighters or dancing tutus with magical healing properties. Okay, maybe they wouldn’t want dancing tutus…
but you know what I mean with the crazy point, but you know what I mean right?
john said:
Dear Lily,That is definitely the point, but the ministry has always been arrogant when it came to what we call "creatures of near human intellect". Which in itself is already a way of putting it that I cannot relate to. I don't think my intellect is anywhere as bright as my son's, and while I am considered a full member of society, he doesn't even have the right to vote (he was so angry when we found out, I was afraid he would jump over the desk and finish the ministry person off. I think I actually grabbed the back of his cloak).
I know. Still, it is good to have some people who know what they are doing, trust me.. maybe it is because I am not insightful enough, but they see things coming I would never have thought of! But as I said, maybe it's just me and in reality those things are obvious!
ashers said:
Dear John,It’s an insult to them calling them that. Same as half breeds. I’d be surprised if a single werewolf around now was bitten because they wanted to be, and besides, when we say something like that about them it makes them something less than they are. It’s like the term mudblood, all it is is a new way of showing prejudice.
They’re probably trained to see the signs, either that or have a man on the inside. I don’t think my parents would be happy if I took such a dangerous job, but I think it would be a very good use of my time and grades from school.
john said:
Dear Lily,They just don't like that somebody who isn't "their kind" might have a say in anything or be equal in their magic. They don't like difference. That goes for all kinds of racism, "mudblood" talk, half-breeds..
True. Maybe your parents would not. If my kiddo was in a world I don't understand and he opened up to me that he wants to take up the most dangerous job there, I must admit even I would be worried. But you can tell them ol' Mad-Eye will have an eye on you! And I would whenever possible, though being protected by somebody who loses their bumm on a street might not be very budding.
à bientôt
ashers said:
Dear John,It’s not hard to see why people are so ridiculously prejudice these days. They have that form of government in place, and it gives others a reason to hate people like me, people like Remus. God I hope when this is all over they get someone normal into power, someone who won’t employ people who hate anyone different to them.
Haha I’d love if you could protect me. And I don’t know if I could ever tell my parents what I want to do, I mean they’d understand, but I don’t think they’d ever let me leave the house at the same time! And I think if they ever met Mad-Eye, they’d be even more worried for my safety. He doesn’t exactly look like the…sanest…or stuff like that. But you know.
john said:
Dear Lily,our last ray of light is that the ministry is apparently not infiltrated, or not badly enough. If that happens, muggle-borns and "blood traitors" like us would probably have to watch our very step.
What do your parents do for a living? (If it is something muggle-specific please explain, I am intrigued). You could always apparate out if they locked you in a tower like Rapunzel.
ashers said:
Dear John,I feel like for me the day’s too late to have to think about watching my step, I feel like I’ve been watching my step since I first got into Hogwarts (it doesn’t help that I’m mouthy and stubborn and talk back to people who like to call me what they call me.
My dad used to work in a mine to dig up coal, but there was an accident where an explosive went off and crushed his leg a few years back…now he’s retired, my mum works in a shop, just a little corner shop, though she tells me she loves it.
If my parents locked me in a tower like Rapunzel I think they’d just get sick of me and let me out.
john said:
Dear Lily,Well, those are pranks and children's bickering. You stand above that, right?
Explosive? But not as in curse right? Wow. That sounds so interesting. I really would like to meet them, I think.
Are you that awful? (Ha, ha.)
ashers said:
Dear John,Most of it’s children’s bickering and pranks…others…well it’s got a bit more violent over the past couple years. If it’s just names and pranks, I’m fine, some of the curses aren’t exactly…child friendly.
Oh no like a stick of something called dynamite or something, basically a firework. I think you should, my parents are always interest to hear about different parts of the wizarding world, they’d find everything so interesting.
No I didn’t mean that. But I can get on people’s nerves when I want to. And if I’m not happy about something I’m willing to tell the world about that.
john said:
Dear Lily,I would not have expected that under Dumbledore's nose. I'll have a word with him.
Sounds fun. Well I am not that sure about different parts of our world, because I barely ever leave this part of the world, but I will gladly try my best to entertain them.
That sounds like a healthy personality to me. I don't understand people who just sit and nod and follow.
Shaking his head,
ashers said:
Dear John,Oh no, it’s not that bad, it’s the times in the corridors that the teachers can’t stop…I just stay away from the Slytherins and don’t give them a reason to do it…it’s not that bad.
Oh I just mean besides Diagon Alley, they can’t really see much more…because they’re muggles you know? They only know things from what I tell them and what they’ve seen in Diagon Alley.
Yeah, I prefer to do things right, but when it comes to when people tell me I’m wrong and things like that…well I’m not going to stand for it if I know I’m right…that would be silly.
john said:
Dear Lily,Oh them Slytherins. Yes, well. You may also try staying close to Remus, from the way he was behaving around you he wouldn't let them step on your little toe.T
hen maybe they should come to Lowestoft! I think it's not against the secrecy law since they already know, right?
That it would! Again I am proud of you.
john said:
Dear John,Oh no, though I’m happy enough for Remus to help me when he has to, I can take care of myself well enough. I’m rather good at hexing someone who tries to attack me…I’ve had some experience over the years and it wasn’t because people attacked me.
I don’t think it would be against the secrecy law, it doesn’t seem like it would be. As long as they don’t tell anyone and things like that. It would definitely be a nice thing for them to see, they know about the war so a friendly place in the wizarding world is exactly what they need to see right now I think.
Thank you, I wouldn’t think it would be something to be proud of, it’s only me being a bit too mouthy sometimes!
john said:
Dear Lily,Sorry if I made it sound like you could not handle it yourself. That was of course not my inention.
Well, they are always welcome. If you ever get a weekend off, you could maybe pick them up and come here, and we would make a nice evening with firewhiskey!
P.S. Sorry for the short letters lately, it is getting a bit stressful around the Order.
ashers said:
Dear John,Oh no, I know that’s not what you meant, and I know Remus is there for me if I need him. So don’t worry, I know it wasn’t a dig or anything.
Haha we should definitely keep my dad away from the firewhiskey, knowing him it wouldn’t be a good combination, but I’m sure they’d love to meet you.
And don’t worry about the letters, I wouldn’t want to keep you from your work, don’t think you have to keep replying if you’re too busy.